
Course Information

Science for Elementary School TeachScience for Elementary School Teach (EDU 337)

Term: 2012-2013 Spring Term


Linda W FosterShow MyInfo popup for Linda W Foster
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Office hours:
  • 11:55 PM to 11:55 PM


    Tue-Thu, 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM (1/7/2013 - 5/3/2013) Location: MAIN HB 127


    Candidates examine the basic principles of life and the physical sciences within the context of the human environment and a multicultural, diverse, society in this course. Issues confronting mankind such as the scarcity of natural resources, cohabitating with the animal kingdom, and space utilization are explored with emphasis on the earth and space sciences. Candidates are introduced to and provided with methods for making science both fun and exciting for children while they explore topics such as the scientific method, plant and animal interdependence, and the environment. Prerequisites: Class rank of Junior and admitted to the Teacher Education Program