
Course Information

Intro to Emergency Management (EM 101)

Term: 2012-2013 Fall Term


Dr. Lakeisha W. GermanyShow MyInfo popup for Dr. Lakeisha W. Germany
Office hours:


    Tue-Thu, 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM (8/13/2012 - 12/15/2012) Location: MAIN BH 1


    EM 101 is a survey of the emergency management field and provides students with a broad picture of the emergency management system in the United States, including historical events, practices and policies that have had impacted the development of emergency management and homeland security as a governmental function and as a profession. Students will get an overview of the role and methods of emergency management in protecting lives, property, and infrastructure.

    ***There are no prereq or coreq for the above course