
Course Information

Elementary French II (FREN 132)

Term: 2013-2014 Spring Term


Adra BarrowsShow MyInfo popup for Adra Barrows
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Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM (1/6/2014 - 5/3/2014) Location: MAIN HB 131


A continuation and extension of the work and skills covered in French 131. Entering students are expected to have been exposed to the French language for at least one semester of study at the University level or for at least one year at the high school level. Students are expected to build upon the structures they acquired in French 131 in order to expand and use their skills in more complex situations. Relevant vocabulary acquisition is encouraged throughout the course. The study of French civilization and Francophone cultures are reinforced. Prerequisite: FREN 131