
Course Information

Senior Capstone Seminar (SS 440)

Term: 2013-2014 Fall Term


Dr. Lakeisha W. GermanyShow MyInfo popup for Dr. Lakeisha W. Germany
Office hours:


    Mon-Wed-Fri, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (8/12/2013 - 12/7/2013) Location: MAIN BH 2


    The Capstone Seminar is designed for Senior Sociology/Criminal Justice majors. In order to demonstrate their competence as budding social scientists they must successfully demonstrate an ability to apply the methods, data sets, and theories they have learned about to a Major Field Test preliminary examination. Prerequisites: SS 331: Social Statistics and SS 448: Senior Research Seminar I (SS 448 and SS 450 must be taken at the same time, fall semester).