
Course Information

Child,Family & Comm Rel (CD 304)

Term: 2016-2017 Spring Term


Pamela S. SmallShow MyInfo popup for Pamela S. Small
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Mon-Wed, 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM (1/9/2017 - 5/5/2017) Location: MAIN HB 131


This course is a survey of the ways in which professionals and families work together for the benefit of young children. It offers a study of formal and informal communication strategies; family participation in group settings; family education; advocacy for families; and the impact of family, culture, and community on the development of children and on learning within early childhood programs. Special attention is given to supporting child and family resiliency within the context of divorce, child abuse and neglect, illness and death of family members, and life in contemporary complex society.